Teaching Online on Short Notice

A webinar presentation by Dr. Greg Wilson

Live on March 19th, at 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM EDT


So here you are: you planned to teach your class or deliver your workshop in person, and now you have to do it online or not at all.

Nobody is giving you time or money to make the change, and a hundred other things also need your attention. Where should you start, and what can you realistically hope to achieve? This one-hour webinar will present answers from people who have found themselves in this situation before, and will recommend a handful of techniques that you can apply right away.

Jenny Bryan

About Garrett

Garrett specializes in teaching, data science, and teaching data science. He has a PhD in Statistics, wrote the popular lubridate package, invented the RStudio cheatsheets, and has (co)authored three books: Hands-On Programming with R, R for Data Science, and R Markdown: The Definitive Guide.

Jenny Bryan

About Greg Wilson

Dr. Greg Wilson has worked for 35 years in both industry and academia, and is the author or editor of several books on computing and two for children. He is best known as the co-founder of Software Carpentry, a non-profit organization that teaches basic computing skills to researchers, and is now part of the education team at RStudio.

Jenny Bryan

About the speaker

Jenny Bryan is a recovering biostatistician who takes special delight in eliminating the small agonies of data analysis. She’s part of Hadley’s team, working on R packages and integrating them into fluid workflows. She’s been working in R/S for over 20 years, serves in the leadership of rOpenSci and Forwards, and is an Ordinary Member of the R Foundation. Jenny is an Associate Professor of Statistics (on leave) at the University of British Columbia, where she created the course STAT 545.

Jenny Bryan

About the speaker

Jenny Bryan is a recovering biostatistician who takes special delight in eliminating the small agonies of data analysis. She’s part of Hadley’s team, working on R packages and integrating them into fluid workflows. She’s been working in R/S for over 20 years, serves in the leadership of rOpenSci and Forwards, and is an Ordinary Member of the R Foundation. Jenny is an Associate Professor of Statistics (on leave) at the University of British Columbia, where she created the course STAT 545.


Only 1,000 live attendees are allowed in the Webinar on a first come first serve basis. There will be approximately 60 minutes of presentation. While we usually have a question and answer session, there will be a lot of ground to cover during this presentation. 

Slides & Code

We've started a Github repository with all webinar materials. Speakers for this webinar and all future webinars will add their materials to the repository. https://github.com/rstudio/webinars

Webinar Recordings

If you can't attend, don't worry. We record (almost) every webinar and post all materials on our website within 48 hours. See past webinars at https://resources.rstudio.com/webinars

RStudio provides the premiere open source and enterprise-ready professional software for R, including RStudio Desktop, RStudio Server, RStudio Connect, RStudio Package Manager Shiny Server, and shinyapps.io. The tidyverse, shiny, ggplot, ggvis, dplyr, knitr, R Markdown, and packrat are R packages from RStudio that every data scientist will want to enhance the value, reproducibility, and appearance of their work.